Our time in Rennes was brief, but I do have pleasant memories of it. An early morning visit to a bakery for a fresh loaf of hazelnut and apricot bread, still warm from the oven...laughing and gesturing with our hotel receptionist, trying to make ourselves understood since neither of us spoke the other's language...wandering the streets, admiring the quaint charm of European architecture...
And our dinner, at a tiny sidestreet bistro. That was a funny time! We had searched long and hard for a place we could afford that looked yummy. We finally found this place, but the staff did not speak English and while culinary school had given me a tiny bit of "menu French", at best I was guessing. Luckily our waiter was a good sport and tried his best to make us understand what everything was...for my pork he even did the whole turned up nose "snort, snort" thing!!! I almost died. I love the French.

I had no idea what kind of wine to have, so our server chose the "Pamplemousse" for us, and we liked it. I guess he knew we were not connoisseurs ;)
Edit: I tracked it down! The bistro is called Le Mandrill, located at 1 Rue Vasselot, 35000 Rennes, and is run by a father/son team. Regis and I highly recommend it! .
Isn't pamplemousse French for grapefruit juice? Although that doesn't look like grapefruit juice.
Yes, pamplemousse = grapefruit, but it was definitely wine :)
My Europe trip was a lonnnggg time ago, but bakeries were definitely a highlight everywhere we went. That bread sounds wonderful.
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