Friday, 2 October 2015

Day 1

As those on Facebook have already deduced, I am safely installed at the volunteer guesthouse in Bangkok (unless you count my recent encounter with a very large and nimble-legged cockroach which rapidly approached me from across the kitchen table).
After my lovely parents drove me all the way to Vancouver airport on Wedneday evening, I departed on a 2:20AM flight to Tai Pei, Taiwan, which lasted over 12 hours. By the time we boarded I was so exhausted I literally fell asleep during take-off...yes, the most turbulent part of the flight. I remember nothing of it. Fortunately, my slumber lasted for a good portion of the trip, and I watched Jurassic World and listened to an audiobook for the rest of it.
The wait in Tai Pei was only a few hours, and then it was only another 4 hours flight after that to Bangkok. It was about 12:3pm local time when I arrived and met my contact from the volunteer orgnaization, but I was feeling preeeetttty tired at that point.
The drive from the airport should only have been 45 minutes long, but was nearly twice that due to traffic, and then it started I know what typhoon season means! The thunder and lightening haven't stopped, and the rain is incredible! Our road is a river of muddy brown swirling water. I'm not sure what my "walking tour" orientation is going to look like, seeing as we are scheduled to leave in a few hours! :P
So far I havent done much, as I unpacked and showered when I got here and then basically fell asleep instantly. I woke up very early local time and listened to the rain coming down.
Today I get some Thai language lessons and hearing more about how things work around here. I am currently the only volunteer (at least until 2 weeks), and I'm not entirely sure what my role will be.
Looking forward to doing and seeing more as the week progresses!

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