Friday, 13 November 2015

Farewell, Cambodia!

I've been wandering through the land of all things Khmer for 2 weeks now! Starting in Siem Reap for a sunrise at Angkor Wat (of course), I had some adventures taking a "direct" bus to Kampong Cham for one night as a pit stop on my way to the riverside town of Kratie to see the rare Irrawaddy dolphins, and then moved on to the mountains and jungles of the Eastern border in Sen Monorom. After some time there enjoying the cooler climate and green space, I finished up my last couple days here in the hustling, bustling capital city of Phnom Pehn.
I'm sure other travelers will chastise me for passing up the entire South coast, but in my defense the next 2 week's weather forecast is rain, rain, rain...and I will get plenty of beach time elsewhere, I'm sure.

Some highlights from Cambodia include:

-Angkor Wat & Ta Prohm temples: so beautiful and a dream come true.

-Accidentally missing a turn on our way back from Angkor Wat, and ending up cycling madly though the insane trafffic on Siem Reap's main street. Adrenaline rush!

-Meeting a very kind and helpful Cambodian teacher on the bus to Kampong Cham, and chatting with him about all things Cambodia.

-Trying all sorts of delicious foods, like Amok, Banana Flower Salad, spicy stir-fried frog, random street foods, fruit shakes, curries, and a traditional stew made inside a bamboo stalk over a fire!

-Riding on the back of a motorbike taxi through tiny villages- beautiful scenery, and so much fun! Now I want a motorbike :)

-Meeting some elephants at a wildlife sanctuary in Sen Monorom! They were amazing, and I feel so lucky to have been able to get up close and personal with them!

-Visiting the Daughters of Cambodia Visitor Center in Phnom Pehn, a really awesome NGO which enables girls to leave the sex trade and regain control and dignity in their lives! It was really cool, and I spent a long time there, getting my feet pampered in their spa, eating and drinking delicious things in their cafe, and making a few purchases of their handmade goods in the shop!

-And of course, my very favorite thing about traveling (ok, maybe tied with the food...): I have met some seriously wonderful people and made friends from all over the world. Its crazy that you can just spend a few hours or days with someone and connect so well, because you have a common interest and love of traveling. But this is the thing I look forward to most, and that really makes traveling the best ever. And I just realized I need to start taking more photos of these people! haha :)

On that note, I'm looking into "couchsurfing: round 2" for my stay in Ho Chi Minh City...hoping somethings works out!

So ya...onward to Vietnam tomorrow morning! Wahoo!


MashedTaterz said...

It warms the heart to see what a grand time you are having out there sis. Keep it up with these great updates/photos!

netablogs said...

Glad you are meeting new friends (I'm not surprised!) and you got to get up close to elephants.. was this at the elephant refuge? Thanks for the updates!

Jill said...

I"ll try to keep on top of things, Paul! Miss you!
Yes Mom, the elephants were at a wildlife was cool to get so close!

Julie Fair said...

Another great recap! Seems like you're having the best time, and you're sounding like a seasoned pro - even passing up beaches! Haha

Kriss said...

I'm finally catching up on reading your blog and this post is so juicy! Stir-fired frog, bamboo stew, elephants, Daughters of Cambodia, motorbike taxi! Sounds like great fun!