Monday, 6 June 2011


Greetings my dear followers! Today I write to you from Rennes, France. This is pronounced "ren". "there is no 'renness'" as our bus driver told some asian tourists, while making a face. Ha ha! But I have actually met some really nice French people and it is so beautiful here.
There is so much to tell but I am only able to use brit's itouch here since we haven't located an Internet cafe.
So far I have taken over 200 pictures (filled a 1 gb memory card. This doesn't bode well) and seen some really awesome things. I can't wait to share them with you! I am also trying to keep up my journal so that when I get a chance to blog I will have some early impressions to draw from.
Regis is loving it here and gorging himself on fresh figs, and croissants. He insists on his picture being taken from time to time to probe that he is actually here so those will go up at some point as well.
Tomorrow we head to versailles for the day and then hop on our first "night train" to get to Italy! So excited!! Hopefully I will be able to get some quality time with a keyboard there. Just can't seem to adapt to this touch screen. I'm such an old lady.
Well I need to go now but we will chat again soon!


Anonymous said...

Finally, someone who takes as many pictures as I do. :) Can't wait to see them!

Danica said...

Hey Memory cards are small. You can fit many of them in that pack of yours.
Are you going to go to "pairee?"

Aneta said...

Oh, can't wait to see the pictures!! I'm going to send your blog address to Opa.. I'm sure he'll love to follow your adventures! Love and hugs!

Jill said...

I cant wait to show you guys some pictures but its hard to upload them from here. Ill try and figure something out tonight.
Its true memory cards are small, but my camera takes a produo card which is Im going to try and move my pics onto my flashdrive. wish me luck!