Monday, 1 August 2011

Welcome to Woodsman!

Well's been a while since my last update. So here it is, in a nutshell...
In the last 3/4 weeks, I have:

* read 4 books (Room -Emma Donoghue, My Sister's Keeper -Jodi Picoult, The Count of Monte Cristo -Alexandre Dumas, The Help -Kathryn Stockett)
*cooked for 4 camps (CIT, Jr Boys, Jr Girls, Family Camp)
*done 5 loads of laundry
*had maybe 5 hot showers
*become used to snakes slithering out from underfoot whenever I walk down the trails
*slept with earplugs almost every night so I don't hear all the wildlife partying outside
*gone to bed with the sun most nights
*woken up with the sun most mornings
*come to enjoy being the first one up and working in the peace and quiet for an hour or two
*worried about what I'm going to do in the Fall
*written in my journal a lot less than I wanted to
*learned to drive 2 different boats on the lake, and a large 15 passenger van on the sketchy winding gravel logging road
*been the Nagging Mom figure to the young un' counselors (aged 16-20...makes me feel like a geezer)
*used bleach and hand sanitizer more than at any other point in my life
*missed my family and friends
*watched the last Harry Potter movie, and enjoyed it a lot
*been freaked out by slugs, spiders, and a butt-load of crickets, on a regular basis
*begun a nightly foot-washing ritual because wearing sandals in the dirt/mud/water all the time makes things kinda nasty

And that's all I can think of right now. I will post some pictures of my lovely kitchen at a later date!


kristieinbc said...

You have definitely been busy! Your book list includes the weirdest book I have read in the past year (Room) and the best (The Help). Did you know The Help is out as a movie now? I can't wait to see it!

As for the snakes...eeewwww!

D said...

Sounds like a lot of fun.
I read and enjoyed reading The Help. Do you recommend Room? I've had my eye on it...

Jill said...

@kristieinbc: I heard The Help is coming out in August...will definitely be checking it out at the first opportunity!

@Danica: It has been a lot of fun! different...I wouldn't say it was fantastic, but it was pretty interesting. I bought it in Gatwick airport, so if you want to wait for a while, I can get it to you via my mom :)

Aneta said...

Sounds like a great summer, Jill, and I see that the weather is looking pretty fantastic for the next week, too! Enjoy!