Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Landed in Lao

I am approaching night #4 in Luang Prabang, and I have done shockingly little. I flew in late Sunday night, and went straight to bed, and gave myself permission to do absolutely nothing on Monday in order to recuperate from the nonstop schedule of the past couple weeks. I slept in for the first time in FOREVER, dilly-dallied on the internet, played some chess with the proprietor of the guesthouse (I lost...badly), chatted with some other guests, ate a traditional Lao dinner at the renowned Tamarind restraunt, and basically just chilled out all day long!
Yesterday I felt a little under the weather, but decided to do some sightseeing, so I walked around town, and enjoyed a sunset cruise on the Mekong River. Unfortunately, I was feeling worse and worse all night, and by 7:30pm I was back at the guesthouse and very sick. It was a long, miserable night with frequent dashes to the toilet, and today i have done nothing but lay in bed, sleep a bit, and hope that all will be well by tomorrow. I don't think it is food poisoning...probably a flu, as a few other guests have caught something similar as well.
I have a long to-do list in Luang Prabang that I have hardly touched, and currently I have no energy to accomplish any of them. On the bright side, Luang Prabang is the perfect place to relax...the vibe here is extremely laid back, and the climate is comfortable. I dont think I will have any trouble using my month-long visa to enjoy this beautiful place, even if I do nothing but swing in a hammock.


netablogs said...

Hope you feel better soon! Hugs!

Kriss said...

Ugg! Being sick while travelling is so sad. Hope you are feeling 100% by now!