Sunday, 17 July 2011

Woodsman Camp

I interrupt the regular programming here on RBF, to bring you greetings from Homewood! I've completed one week of helping out with the Counselor-In-Training camp (50 hungry teenagers!! ahhhh!!!) and my first week of real Head Chef-ing (for 40 hungry little boys and their ravenous counselors), and it rained 5 out of 7 days...yet still managed to be awesome. Even though I was waking up at 6am, and seemed to be working continuously through til 10pm, it is still somehow better than working an 8 hour shift at my "real" job. Go figure.
Today I relaxed and reccuperated, and tomorrow I head out for a week of (hopefully) sunshine and a total of 20 girls to feed (and one constantly starving male). It should be much easier!!

I just wanted to let you all know that I am surviving and thriving out here, and if anyone wants a little working holiday....I can find you a spot :)

Pictures to come at a later date. I realized yesterday that I hadn't taken a single photo since I got here, so I busted out the camera and snapped a few of the camp...but it looks totally rainy and depressing, so I'm going to wait for a sunny day.


D said...

Glad you're having fun. Don't chop any fingers off!

netablogs said...

You are a trooper! I'm so proud of you, working under such conditions! ;) So glad we got to visit with the two Jills! :)

Jill said...

@Danica- no missing fingers yet, but I think I'm going to have to give my assistant a little lesson...there have been some close calls!
@Mom- thanks for coming out! its going really well.