Sunday, 2 December 2012

Regis Returns!

I'd say a year is a pretty decent length for a "Christmas Break", so now I'm attempting to get back into the blogging habit. Why? I guess because I have started reading blogs more faithfully lately as a form of procrastination, and I'm getting the itch to write for fun again.
The biggest change in the past year has been my return to the land known as "school"...which means I haven't been doing a lot of traveling lately, but putting in serious classroom time is its own kind of adventure, especially because I was homeschooled k-12, and completely avoided post-secondary academic education for the past six years (unless you count a short stint in the culinary arts, which I don't). However, my attitude towards education for its own sake has undergone a rather dramatic metamorphosis in the past year, and I found myself enrolling in two courses (English and Sociology) this fall for no other reason than I was interested in them and I was bored with working full time.
I just finished off my last projects for the semester, and starting up ol' RBF was my little reward to myself.
There is more to come...whether or not it is interesting is up to you, but I intend to keep writing through the coming year because, like I said...its a great form of procrastination, and also good motivation, during the school year.


Brittany said...


marmie said...

Yay! Happy to hear it and can't wait to read some of your wit and wisdom! :)

Anne Geddert said...

A little bird suggested you might be on the comeback. YEAH! I'll be watching for more.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere! :)

Jill said...

Yay! I'm glad I still have some faithful readers! :D