Thursday 11 April 2013

Pre-Season Freak Out

I interrupt the regular (ha!) programming to bring you this message:

I am freaking out about the next 4 months.

1. So much needs to get done in the next 30 days! I need to study for, and write my exams, complete Foodsafe Level 2 online (apparently its not as simple as the afternoon-long Level 1 class), write up my menu plans for my job which will start the day after I attend my friend's wedding at the end of April (an 8 hour drive away from Prince George), attempt to help plan bachelorette party and buy presents for said friend, tie up loose ends before I leave (hello ICBC, remember me?), renew my passport -because apparently I will be running 5K for Color Me Rad (Seattle) in August...ha!- plan my return to civilization at the end of July when I will be driving those 8 hours down to another wedding and then going straight from there to a family reunion camping trip!


2. When I actually arrive in PG at the end of April I will be thrust directly into my role...briefing and signing away my summer literally as soon as I arrive, and then setting up and getting ready to cook for 60 planters for the next day! (That means a big shopping trip)

I received a bunch of information from the previous cook, as well as some general info from the company, so that helps give me an idea of what is required. It is also making me feel a little overwhelmed. Ok, a lot overwhelmed.

I am currently compiling a list of the lists and charts I need to make.

Alright, I'll be honest. The real issue is this: sleep is very precious to me, and I'm starting to realize I am going to be getting very little of it this summer. Just the thought of being sleep-deprived makes me tired.

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